What a wonderful family you have and what a crazy place your current sanity and wisdom sprang from. This reflective essay you share here feels to me like the first "Dune" movie - the setup for the battle to come in the 2nd installment.

We know the story, but part of us still wishes it would somehow disappear. Thinking about the 2nd part of your story that you are going to share with us, I still shake my head and ask questions that don't have answers. And I think of Adler's quote: “When you loved someone and had to let them go, there will always be that small part of yourself that whispers, "What was it that you wanted and why didn't you fight for it?”

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Seth, this brought tears. I resonate so much with these words and perspective. Part Dos of this blog is exactly as you say and I wish it would disappear and I felt it might be "too much" to put out there and especially in one go. This is why I split it and because of length. But, I simply knew I had to write it and I think it's only for certain others. I want others to know they are not alone in the depth of happenings that are painful and hard to grapple with. And also, there is hope and I always seem to be able to sort for hope and this is probably an overlooked miracle on my part. Bug hugs and thank you for always encouraging me to soldier on. I wonder if my blogs will become something of a book. or provide a pathway where I don't freeze up. But more on that later.

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Yes. The work you do is not for yourself. You've processed so well and healing is happening. It's for your family and for many you don't even know who are stuck and don't know how to begin to process a grief that is searing in intensity and so deeply personal.

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Mar 7Liked by Emily Davis

"we always carry the younger us with the grown-up us"... yes! I was just remarking the other day that it helps me be more compassionate when I consider we're mostly little children-selves walking around in adult skin suits. Thank you for sharing. You and your family have been on my heart lately. Love you all.

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I love this--little children-selves. Gosh so true. I expound upon this concept a bit in part two. It is actually woven through because I believe God sees us as children and knows the details of our early stories. I'd love your thoughts on part dos. It is a doozy. Love you Jess. xoxo

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Love it Em! Not an easy year, but a great one non the less...

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Thank you Brett. I miss ya and appreciate you reading. I think it's a stretch for me to say last year was great but that's because I've just finished editing part two. You will feel it because you've had so much history with my extended family too. Hugs and come visit.

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